Thursday, May 5, 2011

Re: [Madness Writers] 5/04/2011 05:49:00 PM

work sucks, sitting here doin student loan repayment. im gonna call
about starting to invest my money, fix my sticks tonight with the new
blades (both blades, kovalchuk and kovalev, are very similar styles,
one has a rounded toe, the other is squared. other than that I cant
really tell the difference. one is for my slim stick (forget the
name) and the other is for my good stick. then ill have 4 good
sticks, though the Ovie is rather short. i can use it faster than the
longer ones, but i toe dragged to a cross-the-body deke with both
sticks last week (S7 one piece and the ovie octogun 20) and i missed
the catch with the ovie...too short. both plays had me in the LW slot
alone with the goalie.

i almost always go to the left of the Dman on a 1-on-1. and usually
if i come from the right (last week it was me and this girl Dman,
there were 3 high school aged kids, 2 girls and a kid, and i caem from
the right, deked a good bit, tried to put it from left to right back
to the left under her stick, went between her legs [still gotta work
on that directly across perpendicular deke, rather difficult with
speed, just need practice] and she stopped it with her skate. youi
gotta have fast hands to do the lemieux/crosby double deke
fake-one-way-go-the-other Dman fakeout.

i gotta work on my speed.

my lungs don't feel too good. upper back woke me up, felt similar to
bronchitis. we ran tuesday, i had to stop about a mile into a 1.7 mi
run, upper body was done. didnt even m,atter it was high 80's with a
blastin' sun, my upper body was done. was too hot to be running,
anyway. sergeant wanted to run 4.5 mi, then took it down to 2 laps,
3.4. then only did 1. thats right son. running sucks. it was 45
this morning, nice ride into work with gloves and warm polypro.
yesterday was 58, kinda chilly on the way home since i left at 1130
(would have left right when i got there, but i had an appoitnment,
made 30 smackers on a storage unit, haha, booom)

caps are done, boudreau sucks. i shared a few articles from kuklas
korner, so much better of a site than Puckdaddy. puckdaddy makes
stupid comments, not funny, pointless. wishysnksi or whoever is worse
than that Ryan Lambert. bourne never says anything deep, worthwhile.
im almost done with that site. KK is exponentially better. a lot
more news, analysis, maybe not as "interesting" but i dont have time
for "worthless opinions".

that article on the medic in afghanistan, eh, not that great. good
writing, but thats about it.

i still ahve to read those other news emails u sent, the one on the
Princeton guy from Maine was really good, never finished it.

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