Saturday, May 19, 2012

Re: [Madness Writers] 5/19/2012 12:34:00 PM

well thats the thing.
since I have a bachelors, I can apply here in Augusta to Georgia Health Sciences Univ for their Nursing Clinic Leader program, 16 month masters. not sure if the Army will allow that, but i think the Army would be ALL for that.  apparently heather's friend is moving in with us in August when her lease expires, and it'd benefit all of us if heather and I stayed here longer, we'd all three finish our degrees here and have extremely cheap rent. then I could go to anasthesia school 4 years at the earliest after finishin the program and passiing the test. make more money than a PA.
or I can go to PA school for 29 months, take the test, and then specialize after 4 years.
PA is a much better job than nursing, but pays less than nurse anasthetists which is a pretty fricken sweet job. i know the anasthetist and the supervisor were both surprised by how much I enjoyed it, and emily saw I was enjoying it.  the job is fairly easy, the schooling would be the difficult part.   the real anasthetist does a lot of the pre-operation medicine, the nurse anasethtist sets up the other medicine and monitors.  not a glamorous job, but ill take it. the two I shadowed thoroughly enjoyed their jobs.
~for the army its 40% acceptance fot he PA program, ~80% for the nursing (not sure about Georgia Health's acceptance rate)  im getting in one of them if not both.   ill probably find out about the PA acceptance before the nursing application is due, but ill still apply to Georgia Health this spring. 
the PA program I could take all online classes for A&P and chemistry and microbiology, and the nursing you have to take actual lab classes.  doesnt make sense to me.
im studying a lot for A&P now, a 5 week class, you'd have to have a lot of desire and motivation to an online course.  the lectures so far have rpesented the information and then Ill study it, then go through the chapter to reinforce everything. then if i have time, ill answer the questions at the end of the chapters.  nothing better than taking a pre-test to ensure an A. 
On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 3:34 PM, Madness <> wrote:
Yeah, do PA. Emily and I both were talkin' about it and said you should go PA. Nursing, well , you'd have to do 2 more years of school to get the degree at the fastest, then get a job in the ICU, do that for 2 years, then go back for 2.5 years for anesthesia. with a PA, you can get the degree in probably 3 years. A year longer for the degree, but you'd be making more money sooner. Less money than anesthetist, but I guess it wouldn't matter being an officer.

Rags up 3-0 with an empty netter.. i don't even care. it's summer time

Posted By Madness to Madness Writers at 5/19/2012 12:34:00 PM

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