Monday, July 29, 2013

few things

1) calling about the health professions scholarship program via the air force later today. get them to pay me $24,000 a year plus tuition plus books. can't beat it man. oh yeah, plus health insurance, especially for andy. totally worth it. I'll do 3, even 4 years gladly. good for the resume, too. not that i care about that

2) guy is sending my xbox back today. should get it by the end o the week. funny that it's ALWYAS around end of July when I get an xbox, every year for the past 4 or 5 years, haha. emily won't be happy but too bad.

3) Hey Jim, what are some great (not good) ab exercises? the ones I do are mostly cardio which are fine, but I have to do more and more to get the same effect. I mean, after 500 reps, it's tiring and seems ineffective. i'm definitely getting stronger, able to do pullups with no problem, lifting heavier on the bicep curls and such. I did 6 sets of 12-15 reps of tricep dips plus 3 sets of 20 pushups.. I"m gonna have to somehow add weight to my body for the dips. maybe i'll have to invest in one of those waist belts. not sure how planetfitness would feel about that, but that's their problem. the best ones I've found are the v-ups (maybe wrong name), in-and-outs, flutter kicks, froggies, anything c-sit related. the leg raises in the ab chair are great, too. again, though, it's more endurance rather than strenth.

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