Tuesday, September 17, 2013

http://tuckermax.me/how-crowdfunding-will-change-the-world-part-4-entrepreneurship/ interesting

http://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/tvandradioblog/2013/aug/27/dexter-series-finale may even still harbour a forlorn speckle of hope that Dexter will be able to come up with an ending that feels both satisfying and earned.

looking up spoilers for Dexter 'cause honestly, it doesn't matter. I'll tell you what happens (this is my theory before reading any spoilers) - Dexter and Hannah don't get on the plane 'cause of the storm grounding all flights. Deb isn't there to protect Dexter anymore 'cause of the gunshot wound which puts Dexter at a disadvantage against the Brain Surgeon, the Brain SUrgeon probably kills someone (can't be Deb[ unless she dies from the wound WHICH NO WAY THAT WOULD HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE], so maybe Hannah who is pretty pointless anyway if you think about it, but she's made to seem important because she's the girlfriend.. Harrison would be too tragic of a death, can't kill a kid, man, to end the series.. Masuka they could kill, Quinn would be pretty serious, Batista.. nobody hates him so no reason to kill him, so I'm guessing Quinn or Hannah, with Deb potentially dying unrealistically). Dexter lives on without consequences. The series probably ends on an ambiguous note along the lines of that Patrick guy from Boondock Saints finding out about Dexter. There has to be some ambiguity regarding Dexter's lifestyle to end the show.. unless he goes to Argentina. He's already retired (it's his last day in Miami, last day on the force), so he either dies or goes away. If he dies, it's at the very end obviously. I can guarantee with 99.999% accuracy that he isn't dying. It's called Dexter for a reason.

At least one person dies in the final episode.. this link gives one potential spoiler if you wanna find out . then again, it gives a clue in the link itself


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