Friday, February 24, 2012

also, went tot he doc about my cardiology results.  negative, as i guessed.
she said its either muscular, but most likely not since im quite fit.
said its gotta be allergies, and after asking me where my chest hurt exacty said its probably something with my esophagus which is caused by allergies.
makes sense. 
she didnt know though, and when I told her harder workouts make my chest feel better..except running which hurts my chest....when i told her that she was dumbfounded.  i dotn understand it myself.
very nice today.  last time must have been slightkly busy, but she was genuinely interested in finding a solution.  was thinking of everything, and the best part was it probably took less time than thsoe doctors who try to rush. a few minutes, thats it.
she asked me if my chest hurt when i eat a lot.  i usually dnt eat a ton at any one time.  thought maybe stomach would itnrude on my breathing or chest or something.  nope.
felt around my chest, slight msucular pain above my sternum, i told her thats muscular but pointed to the center of my chest as the source of the pain. i told her my throat usually feels constricted when i work out hard, too, especialy running.  she mentioned the past 2 weeks were especially bad with pollen.  no joke, Monday during htat 3.4 mile run my motuh was dry as hell and i was coughing for no reason after the ruun.  i even told the sergeant that there must be a lot of pollen in the air for my throat to feel like that, cuz thats a first.

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