Friday, February 24, 2012

Re: [Madness Writers] 2/24/2012 09:01:00 AM

depends on teh situation with that trainer.  if im there solely to work out i wouldnt care, just move over and do my thing... but if Im there to get soem advice then I'd be pissed too.
did some research, interesting finds. i ll send it in 2nd email.
"its all business"  who says that.  could have at least acted like a human being.
and I beleive the primary reason of a trainer is a workout buddy.  there to give you moptivation.  anything else you can get on your own.  probably why you see people on craigslist looking for workout buddies...havent checked in a long tiem but i remember seeing a lot of those , never understood why, but makes sense now that i think about it,.

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 12:01 PM, Madness <> wrote:
There was a tournament a few weeks ago, I think. No word lately. They seem to only have them about twice a year. Usually on a holiday or close to one.

I was doing 180 lbs plus the bar of deadlifts again yesterday, did 10, 10, 8. On the 2nd set, when I got to 10, I was having some trouble lifting it. There was no way I was gonna be able to slowly put it down so I dropped it.. 200 lbs of rubber hitting the rubber floor, no big deal. The manager saw me and was like "Why'd you do that?" I couldn't lift it as easily as before, and there was no way I was putting it down gently. "You should use a lighter weight." It was my 10th rep. "Oh, well don't do that anymore." then he checked the floor to make sure it was OK. Dude, it's rubber on rubber.. all it did was bounce. I did it before, too, nobody said anything. I wasn't risking hurting my back to put it down.

school's a joke.

wow, it really is a race for last. 8 points between 8th and 15th.

i went for a consultation on tuesday with a new personal trainer 'cause it was free. I exlpained to him that I can't afford to pay 'cause of student loans (plus it's not worth it anyway but I'm not telling him that). He wants me to breathe while sitting on an exercise ball so I'm breathing.l. he's like "Breathe" and takes deep breathes so I said "you should be more specific" and then this older owman comes in and says she was the 2 o' clock appointment. He looked shocked, asked, "really? I thought you were 3." Strike 1. So he goes and looks, I'm stretching my hammies. He comes back and proceeds to work out with her, completely ignores me. Strike 2. I wasn't very happy so I grabbed my stuff and was about to go to the other side of the gym to use the dumbbells. The manager was standing there and asked me if I was OK and I said "I'm not very happy right now" 'cause I was pissed. "What, about life in general?" No, this place. I didn't wanna explain so I told him I'd talk to him after I was done working out when I felt better 'cause it wasn't a big deal. I ddi tell him I hate having my time wasted. He kept pressing me until I told him. I told him the situation and that was it. I told him later on that I let my emotions get to me in that situation which usually doesn't happen. I twasn't a big deal, it was just competly disrespectful and unproffesional. NO idea how somebody could get away wtih that without a talk, so Iguess the manger talked to him. The trainer came up to me later and said not to hate him, "it's all business." Yeah, I know as soon as I told him I couldn't pay he probaly lost interest, but that's not my problem. He just wasn't oprofessional, and it made him look bad. Guess I should have felt more bad than angry.

Posted By Madness to Madness Writers at 2/24/2012 09:01:00 AM

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