Friday, August 23, 2013

watched that nhl 14 demo.  eh, that wraparound was lame, didnt work so doesnt bother me.
played a game of 13.  won 2-0.  guy was at least a few levels below me, and i was 57, wentto 58 on that win.  he wasnt bad, kept doing the backhand pass but my shutdown D forced him to low % cvhances.  he rarely went for point shots.  i go for a lot since they tend to chase the puck in the corners, leaving the slot and opp point open.
that chem class was onl;y worth 14 hours, anatomy was 10x easier and worth 26 hours.  8 promotion points for both (every 5 hours =1 point)
Dexter, that ending was a "twist" but I called it on episode 4 probably that Vogel is the killer.  she's manipulative and Dexter has no business listening to her, which really ruins the show for me.  the kid  being dead IN dexter's house...i mean if the next episode doesnt open with Dexter KNOWING Vogel is the killer then there's no hope. obvious: dex left the kid with her to take him home..and he ends up dead in Dex's house.  message can't be any clearer than that.   and there's no basis for that killing, nothing leading up to it for it to happen at that moment.  poor writing.  CS Lee, no point in the show. the whole detective promotion, no point in teh show. that kid had absolutely less purpose (develop Vogel/Dex relationship?  give me a fucking break. just because Vogel developed the Code [which she clearly ahs one of her own as a 'psychiatrist' psycho killer analyst/killer herself] doesnt mean Dexter MUST listen to her.) 
the only purpose of the kid dying is MAYBE the neighbor dying and he said he didnt do it (Dex believes him and the writer assumes the audience believes him without critical questioning, another bad part fo the show), but there's NO ONE else who had a motive.  Vogel certainly doesn't...she might have known that Dex went on a date with her.  but that was a while ago.  no idea how she would know the kid was there that night.  I guess she put that broken mirror thing in his car handle opener to put his blood at teh scene, but he never touched teh woman according to his words....i mean if he didnt do it then there must be a clone ghjost of him wondering around that apartment complex.
Breaking Bad his a lot more narrow focused, and a lot more subtle. i  dont want to say it has better character development (probably does, but really has no bearing on either show), but it certainly has much better relationship development. and thats all from plot.  hank is gonna lose his job and is pissed his brother-in-law, who they worked together with Gus, is the actual meth cook/dealer/kingpin, and his wife is pissed her husband was shot and almost killed investigating.  Whiner Wife supports her hsuband, only because Hank has no proof.  Walter knows he's in a bind at this point...not really a character "flaw" in leaving that book in the bathroom. 
Jessie, well, I'd sday thats good characterization which should have a big impact on the rest of the show.  he's the crux of the show at this point, while not obvious how yet.  Meth Damon, i dont remember much abotu taht guy, but he's a foil of Jessie  (Meth is loyal with no morals, while Jessie has morals and at this point is like a ticking bomb, and even he doesnt know whats gonna happen)
 . (i should peruse the first half of the season to get more of the future events and some other background)
i read some folks couldnt really get into BB.  i can see why.  the first 2 seasons are much much much slower than 3 and 4. 

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