Thursday, May 5, 2011


I was shutdown on the forecheck yesterday at stickTime.  I went to the blueline and waited for them to come up ice.  When they got to a certain distance away from me, I'd start skating backwards, and trust me, they never got around me.  Not once.  Everytime, they either passed it or turned around and skated back to their zone, never able to get away from me.  It's too easy.  Too many people skate TOWARD the puck carrier when they should be skating backwards to shut 'em down.

I had an awesome deke at the very end.. I went right, left, right, then put the puck around the dman's left and skated around his right side.  As I went around, I accidentally put my blade into his chin.  TOo bad, 'cause he was beat like a rented mule.

My passes were insanely perfect.  There were two two-on-ones where I went up the LW side.. both times, the teammate had a backchecker on him, and I STILL got the puck past my Dman and his backchecker RIGHT on his tape.  Everybody was impressed, even me. I know I can od it, but sometimes you expect a Dman to get his stick on it when there's such a small window of opportunity.

My shot was off, but my passes were perfect.  I did get like 3 or 4 crossbars which is my usual out of probably 10-15 shots.

My positioning was really good, almost too good.

One time, Brandon tried to go around my left side on the forecheck.. I saw it coming so I go to crossover to my left and almost slid out, wheel lost traction.  Quickly regain my balance and take off to stay with him, heprobably coulda got a shot when he got to the outside of the faceoff circle int he O zone, but I was right there and lifted his stick before he could do anything.. because we were going so fast, he pushed into me which felt awkward since i wasn't expecting it.  We were flyin'.  I don't play easy anymore.  Stick lifted everybody, including the 12 year old kid.  I don't play dirty, though.

It was probably the best stick TIme session I've ever been to.  Too bad I can't play everyday.. Wears me out, though.

Have fun, gotta work the next 3 days daylight.

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