Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I found that video on either sports illustrated or ESPN, there was a link on Reader that I clicked on.  I didn't think it'd be worth watching so I didn't share it

Neutralizing today's Tour of Italy stage 'cause of that death.   It says they kept his death a secret for a short time to inform the family.  I can tell you right now, anybody who saw that video live would know right away he wans't making it out.  Wtih gushing blood out of your nose, you can't make it.  It's either gonna keep rushing out, or if you hold the nose to stop it, it's gonna go to the lungs (and stomach) which will cause different issues.  The bleeding alone was sufficient to cause his death, in my opinion.

In the US WOrlds, Canada is playilng Russia in the quarterfinals, US against undefeated Czechs.  It's not the best player in the worlds, so this tournamnet doens't mean a whole lot.  I mean, Tavares is the best player on Canada.. that's telling you something.

Hockey tonight, son.  I'm gonna play hard, hard, hard.  

http://www.kuklaskorner.com/index.php/tmr/comments/hitchcock_storms_out_of_presser_at_worlds...and_i_think_we_all_need_a_time-/  interesting, just read the interview transcrapt at the bottom and maybe the short commentary afterwards.. very similar to PuckDaddy with his attempt at humor

give it a skim, interesting why people kill others after hitting them with a car .. beggars, peasants, kids. wow

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