Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Watch the Vancouver overtime game.  Hopefully VAN takes it.

Lightning won, hahahaha.  The russian choke machine is in full effect this year.

Won my first.. seven faceoffs.  The count might be off but I won a lot.  Then, I lost 2 or 3 in a row.  

Got a goal.. guy to my right has the puck and I'm at center court.  I take off to the net.. he shoots it, hits the endboards and bounces back, I go to whack it, and just as I'm about to hit it, the goalie moves backwards and pushes it in.  I took the credit for the goal even though I never touched it.  I felt that I earned it.

I don't think anybody on our team got more than one goal.   Ending up losing 7-6.

As soon as I go out on the ice to warm up, skate up the middle and go top shelf, aim for the crossbar/left post and hit it dead-on.  Too easy. No other shot attempts, I skated around to get my legs warmed up.

Groin is really tight/sore.  After the first period, I was dead.. 

10 guys wasn't that bad.  Only 'cause I"m out of shape.  There's a reason NHL players take 40 second shifts.. Jesus, I was taking one minute shifts and felt dead tired.  At the end of the game , I took a 2.5 minute shift or so, then my body temperature skyrocketed.. when I got to the bench, I said "I'm done." and I was.  Even if we went to overtime, I probably wouldn't have played.. my groin was too sore and my breathing never felt like that before.. I was literally out of breath at one point.

My goal made it 3-2.  Then we scored again.  At the end of the 2nd period, I go out there, backchecking like crazy the whole game (that's why my shifts weren't very long, and anybody in the NHL who takes long shifts other than a Dman is a forward who isn't backchecking or forechecking) and they score twice in my shift.. nothing I could do about it. the second goal - teammate loses the faceoff, i go after it but they hit it up ice to an opponent, I go after him, almost catch up, the defensemen lets him shoot it short side and it went in.. not my fault, I can't stop that.  I just skated to teh bench and sat down.

I fell once when trying to do a crossover , my wheels lost traction and I went down.  Then I fell probably 4 more times, all because 1) I was tired, and 2) I got tripped either by an opponent's stick or by their skate.  One time I almost fell 'cause I lost traction again.  '

Wow, Everybody in this cvancouver game is standing up.

Samuellson, baby.  Vancouver wins on the PP.

My legs were slow tonight.  Gotta get back into shape and practice.. My dangling isn't bad, but it's nowhere near as good as the good players.

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