Friday, May 6, 2011

Yeah, I don't know if I mentioned, but I never lost the puck once at stick time on Wednesday.
And I skated around a lot of people.. every time I went right to left, I never got the puck stripped.  Multiple times, I skated around 2 or 3 guys who were right on me.. I remember distinctly, there were two times when I skated around one guy who was to my left, and as I was doing that, another guy came from my right so I pulled the puck to the middle, maybe slightly left, and then there was a guy in front, so I faked left and went right.  One of those times, the center guy didn't seem to be tryin to take the puck from me, just kinda standing guard 'cause I was between the hash marks at that point, he was probably protecting the shot.  Doesnj't matter, I got through.

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