Thursday, April 28, 2011


Yeah, crap teammates really make it not fun.  I might be back into hockey next week regardless of what the doctor says.  Well, not really, if he says it's not worth the risk, then it really isn't.
I was taking pot shots at the net today, going top shelf. So, I finally figured out how to go top shelf everytime.  You gotta keep the toe of the blade on the outside of the puck (the part of the puck furthest away from your body), then quickly bring the blade down behind the puck and shoot it.. I'm pretty sure you don't even have to get low, but it definitely helps.  Emily was standing beside me 'cause she was wondering what I was doing after I cut the grass (got a $64 mower on AMazon, free two day shiopping but I got it the next day, boom).  So I told her "watch this, top shelf everytime".. and sure enough, 3 shots in a row, all right underneath the crossbar.  Too easy.
The mower works pretty well - cuts the grass, that's all you need.  No motor.  It's one of the rotor ones that spin as you push the mower forward.  Gotta go over the grass like 5 times to make sure it's even, but it's worth it to me.  Makes me be outside longer.  There are 4 strips of grass, and it wouldn't make sense to buy a gas machine.
Gotta invest in a trimmer.. looks like it's $50 for a cordless battery-operated one.  Buying a house is more responsibilities and more money.  Is it worth it? That's up to the individual.
Some kid, probably 12 or 13, came up to me as I was mowing and said something like "whoa, that's efficient" with my response: "Going green, baby."  haha.  There were other kids staring at me 'cause I guess the schoolbus just dropped them off.  It was like they never saw a non-gas operated mower.  Maybe they haven't.

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