Friday, May 6, 2011

Re: [Madness Writers] Awesome

yeah, not sure how long these sticks are, the mission is 3-4 " longer
than the warrior, i might have to take that back down to the original
length. it could be the lie of the blade, too. which is just how
much it curves at the ankle. i couldnt use my toe on the puck, i dont
really look at the puck, but it just wouldnt stay on my bladem
happened at least 3 times.

the 6th was the whack over the goalie. no hattie, but yeah dude, soon
after that goal i get the puck on the high LW slot, Dman to my right
but its just me and the goalie. he comes out and i deke left, wide
open goal and there were at least 2 people in the crease (probably
Dmen) and i was moving decently, i was pretty far wide as well,
couldnt bring it back to the right to put er home, so i wrap around
and a dman knocked it behind the net, good play by him.

i wanted that hattie. next time. they were missing their best player
apparently. cuz the 1st time we played them (green team) they were
ownin us in the zone. last night we were pretty much dominating them.

only reason they scored 3 goals is purely from cross the slot breakout
passes. stupid. all three goals were turnovers from those passes.
the 3rd one was a decent pass for awareness, just wasnt hard enough
and it was intercepted. im pretty sure my stick was in between the
goalie's pad on that 1st goal deflection. too easy. almost had the
2nd goal deflection off the RD shot, it was a nice shot, wide open, to
my left, about 2 feet high. i missed, turn around, it rebounds in
between me and the goalie, he must have dived to get it cuz he was on
his belly as i whacked at it and it skipped way over him into the net.
i just turned around, like i said, wasnt even worth celebrating.

that hugo character, people were saying "good things happen when u
stand in front of the goalie, right?" apparently he hada lot of
chances in that position.

very little opposition by the D in the slot, no idea why. if i was a
dman i'd be all over the forwards.

and yeah, ice is a lot of breakout passes, the one guy was talkin
about staying behind the red line on the breakout so the Dmen have
open people to pass to, and he was lookin at me the whole time.

dude, i was wide open on a lot of those plays in the corner of the
blue line, sometimes they'd pass, a lot of times not. a few times i
would take off hopin to get the puck way behind the D, might have
happened once.

on the shorthanded man, i was owning on that forecheck. caused a
turnover to my teammate at the middle blueline, he shoots, deflects to
me on the left, dont remember whath appened after that. another time i
have a semibreakaway up the right side, shoot it TR but goalie
deflected it. nice play by both.

i was playin with this older guy a lot fo the game, he wasn't too bad.
i was near right boards when the goalie pokes the puck in my
direction, i look around, immediately pass it to him in the middle
right slot, he banks it home, somehow the goalie didnt go down, hit
him in his left shoulder and he gloved it. it was a fuckin nice play,
should ahve been a goal if he was playing actual goalie positioning.
that teammatescored about 30 seconds later after the faceoff.

we must be the best team in the league, but u wouldnt know it watching
us. all the teams are fairly even, whch is good. the other team got
this big guy from Boston last night, i played with him the first time,
the kid that broke the S19 stick. he had a frew breakaways, couldnt
put er home, which amazed me, he was about as good as me. and
teammates were talking about balance of the league and how that kid
and the best guy on the team (absent) would be a force.

i say bring it!

i stick lift a lot, no idea why people dont expect it. i was pushed
a good bit last night, people frustrated. play hard or go home.

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 2:25 PM, Madness <> wrote:
> 3 goals, eh? I read three different goals, but no mention of a hattie. ( 1:
> whack it over the goalie to the open net.  2: deflection 5 hole.. 3: the 6th
> goal but no mention of how you scored.)  Hattie or no hattie?
> The only thing I could really comment on is that stick lifting is really
> important in roller hockey, but it isnj't used as much, I bet, because it's
> too open of a game.. Not with me out there, though.  I close those gaps.
> I talked to some guy on Wednesday about the differences between ice and
> roller.  He said in ice, the breakout is much different, you have to stick
> closer to teammates and make much shorter passes to get out of the zone.
> (Like that center to LD to Kesler play last night, those passes would really
> throw off the D, and it did.)
> Yeah, longer sticks make it a lot harder to stick handle.My stick is 60"
> long, seems maybe two inches too long but I never have a problem with it.
> Helps on D, especially poking and stick lifting.
> Boston is gonna finish it off tonight.  Sharks, too, if they're playing.
> Basically the next 3 games are all freebies in the NHL.
> The semi's are gonna be interesting, hard fought games.
> gonna go eat lunch
> --
> Posted By Madness to Madness Writers at 5/06/2011 11:25:00 AM

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