Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Re: [Madness Writers] 2/14/2012 06:28:00 AM

jimmy sent the test message last night.
yeah, taht archer.
i read some comments on Walkin Dead.  apparently reall fuckin annoying characters.  i'd get torn apart by zombies before I tortured myself through that kinda shit. no time for whining characters.
stuck on a farm?  really?  thats the extent of the writer's creativity?  show deserves to implode.
there needs to be a show solely about zombies and hteir society, come up with an ingenious intelligent zombie culture, characters, desires, etc, back history, etc.  kill a lot of humans, grow the society so to speak.  then end the fuckin zombie crap.  case clsoed, no more zombies.  Sounds like a better version of Lost, come to think of it. puit em on an island, so the zombies have to "adapt" to no humans, they survive as vegetarians and fisherzombies.  occasional polar bears come out of fuckin nowhere, large footsteps tremble the ground, and a black smoke "terrorizes" the zombies into submission.  then they find the Long Lost Zombie culture.
they come across a bunker with a keyboard that needs pressed specific numbers every 108 minutes (or some arbitrary length of time), but zombies dont give a shit cuz they're still in Zombie-mode because they're still coming to terms with their new identity as non human killers.
then they go back in time and plant an atom bomb and a few zombies escape after learning how to walk on water, which should grow the zombie population on the main land, but zombies dont eat humans anymore. they bring some humans back and the Humans start a major war....against Time.   zombies give up their immortality to the humans in exchange for whatever..but the humans realize they dont want immortality because they'd have to be vegetarians.
stuck on a fuckin farm, are you fuckin kidding me? i could write a better story out of a banana.
anyway, did some forearm workouts (pretty weak, hurts to hang from pull up bars and I feel it doing bicep workouts).  my biceps are pretty sore, did 4 sets of 70 lb barbell type thing.  i did 90 but my forearms hurt too much.
did a bunch of hamstring workouts, ab workouts, 3 sets of 130 lb rower, more of a back workout but works my biceps too.
tried the hamstring workout where you sit like in a chair and push the lever down with your calfs.  fuckin hurt my calves against that padded bar.  fuck that,.  did 1 and stopped.

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 9:28 AM, Madness <nayrrizdaed@gmail.com> wrote:
Is Jimmy on the email now?

Archer, that one show that Stephen S. from Pensblog got a job at? no interest

walking dead was really good the first few episodes and definitely went downhill in most of season 2 after "getting stuck' on the farm. barely any zombies, and that's what the show's about. I don't get it. I read a lot of complaints online about it, too. Interesting characters, but not enough to keep me interested. The characters are always more important than the plot, but the plot does matter. one blog I subscribed to on Reader (Ken Levine, wrote for MASH and other big time shows back in the day, definitely not A-list anymore) wrote an article about some show he was giving up after a few episodes and a lot of people commented about how Walking Dead's quality went down faster than the Italian captain into a lifeboat into season 2.

The only show I watch is Survivor and we've pretty much given up on that.

Posted By Madness to Madness Writers at 2/14/2012 06:28:00 AM

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