Friday, March 23, 2012

reading some comments on the guy that shot his wife.. I'd say it's wrong 'cause he didnt' even talk to her about it, not sure if she was comatose or alert or whatnot.

Some comments worth reading:

Obama care will do the same thing but without the gun... (No idea what this means)

suffocation works too (hahahahahahahahahaha)

ONe person says something like it doesn't make sense we do this to dogs but not to people.. somebody responds: Dog......animal. Human is person. Hope that help. (no, sir, that doesn't help. Where's the argument?)

Something that has piqued my interest lately is why people cheat on their spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other. There was an interesting article I read yesterday, I think it was on Slate, had some different viewpoints. One that really stuck out to me was that one guy said he felt some intense passion when he was with his affair. Gotta keep that relationship fresh, sir. Makes sense, though. I'll write more on this later.

One guy was barely skating yesterday, kept saying he probably lost 5 lbs already and needed to conserve energy for "tonight." Probably plays in the B league, though his wrist shots are hilarious - he barely pushes the stick into the ground, and as a result, the puck flops into the air rather than bulleting like a line drive.

I was beatin' the goalie all day, always shooting forehand.. I tried once faking the forehand 'cause i knew he knew that I was going to my strong side, then quickly backhanded it, hit his leg pad.. I can't get any lift on the backhander. No power, either. The goalie was definitely terrible, couldnt' stop anything, constantly letting pucks go under his arms, hitting his pads and goin' in, letting open the bottom corners all day. NEver in position, basically, and even if he was, he'd let it in. He stopped a few, but I wasn't really trying to ohard, the shooting puts too much twistin on my lower back.

I can't watch any videos and couldn't access that site with the ending to ME3. Send me a general play-by-play from somewhere. Sounds stupid, though.

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