Friday, March 2, 2012

two things that stick out.

first, fuck nurse practitioner. you make maybe 80k.  Anesthetists makes 115k to start.  one kid at Pitt said you can start at 200k at some areas, but they'd have to be shitty areas.  I'd do it for a year or two, make my money and get the xpereience, pay off any loans needing to be paid off, let Emily stay at home.  

2nd thing - nursing sucks.  Too hard on the body, little brain power used (last two nights I read a lot. It was either that or cleaning patients.  We really don't do much, then again they always give me the easiest patients.  Gets boring really quickly.), basically just a robot performing tasks.  I don't know of any nurses that actuall ylike it.  I enjoy helping the patients, but the work in general, to me, is a waste of time.  Gotta do it for the money.  I fool myself into thinking I don't do it for the money 'cause of anesthetist school and I'd be extremely unhappy knowing my job doesn't fulfill.  No idea how some nurses do it their whole lives.  Not me, man.

I'dsay go medical, but being a doctor would suck.  Anethetist has to be the best option.  Sit there, do your shift, go home, do some call shifts every now and then and make a lot more money.  Basically steady hours, 40 hours a week, make a ton of money.  Easy on the body, probably boring but what job isn't?  

I don't recommend nursing unless you wanna go to anesthesia school.  

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