Sunday, April 7, 2013

watched season 1 of breaking bad, halfway through season 2.  

eh, dexter's much better.  this show is alright but its nowhere close to one of the best shows.

the foreshadowing on this show is a joke.  the "plot twists" get pretty predictable after the first or second time.

the criminal suspension-of-disbelief is a joke .   the uncle guy on the DEA force basically says the only person who could be making this kind of drug is Walter, especially after questioning walter about the missing school supplies, but the guy never connects the dots?   come on, lets get real.  walter has a specialty in crystallization for crying out loud.

at least dexter has the inner monologues, this show just puts in silence.  pretty annoying after the first few episodes.  everyone knows whats going on, why bother with faux suspense.

the "family life" drama is pretty fucking stupid.  got a retard on one side, a worthless stay at home mom/wife on the other.  its actually surprising nobody suspects Walter of adultery.  which brings me to the next point.  he's gone most of the time in season 1, and they believe him when he says he's out taking a naturely stroll.  its believable, but they dont press the issue. at least Dexter, he might not be believable either, but it at least entertains.  this show is mostly drama with a few stupid plot twists.

the "cancer" situation is laughable, and probably offensive to families who have members with such illnesses.  especially a cancer that's spread to the lymph nodes, doesnt sound like very good prospects to me (but I dont really know), and yet after a few episodes he basically stops coughing.

he's not fuckin sick, and he clearly doesn't have cancer.  offensive!

the criminal aspect of the show is laughable as well.  the writer(s) clearly don't have experience to have such a weak police force on the case.

i give the show an average 5 out of 10.  

the only place this show can go is:  money situation gets worse, cancer probably gets worse (and more believable), and clearly the drug trade gets worse with police on the case, and probably other cartels entering the city.

doesn't even sound interesting man.

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