Thursday, September 26, 2013

Walter White died when he hung up with Junior. From here on out, it's full on Heisenberg. He isn't saving anyone.
"When King Lear dies in Act V, do you know what Shakespeare has written? He's written 'He dies.' That's all, nothing more. No fanfare, no metaphor, no brilliant final words. The culmination of the most influential work of dramatic literature is "He dies." It takes Shakespeare, a genius, to come up with 'He dies.' And yet every time I read those two words, I find myself overwhelmed with dysphoria. And I know it's only natural to be sad, but not because of the words 'He dies,' but because of the life we saw prior to the words. I've lived all five of my acts, Mahoney, and I am not asking you to be happy that I must go. I'm only asking that you turn the page, continue reading… and let the next story begin. And if anyone asks what became of me, you relate my life in all its wonder, and end it with a simple and modest 'He died."
Peter Gould and the writer's room of BrBa found it necessary to have Ed the Vacuum Cleaner Man also draw two kings when he and Walt play cards at the cabin.
Holy shit. Jesse executing Lydia like Todd did Andrea would be amazing. "Nothing personal..bitch" would be the best Bitch in the series.
interesting theory, not sure how it would play out though:

I don't think Walt will be storming the Aryan compound and shooting up the place, like a lot of people are expecting. In 501, Walt definitively says that the M60 "won't be leaving town". The compound is clearly in the desert, way outside of town. Walt has no doubt that his plan with the weapon will be executed within ABQ.

There are a lot of theories about the show ending like Scarface. How did Scarface end? A shootout in a mansion. Who do we know owns a mansion on this show? Gretchen and Elliot.

Walt knows the gang well, and wouldn't want to fight them on their own turf. Perhaps he lures the Nazis to the mansion and kills them. He wouldn't need to necessarily harm Gretchen and Elliot. The commotion from such an incident would tie them to the whole operation. At least, it would for just long enough to cause serious damage to Grey Matter. Two birds, one stone.



no way this is happenoing, but its a good idea


Big showdown with the Nazis... All of the Nazis dead, Jesse dead, Lydia dead. Walter in custody. Flash forward to Walter's highly publicized trial. All of Hank's notes have been reviewed, Walter is definitely going away for a long time, all is out in the open now, the Madrigal connection, the nazis, the murder of Drew Sharp etc & Walter's (as well as Jesse's) involvement is well known.

There is just one last testimony. Marie Schrader takes the stand, as Walt looks on across from her.

Prosecuting attorney: Mrs. Schrader, is it true that you can identify of the man known as "Heisenberg"?

Marie: Yes.

Attorney: Is he sitting in this court room today?

Marie (staring menacingly into Walter's eyes): No. (a gasp comes over the crowd, Walter appears stunned) The man referred to as Heisenberg was Jesse Pinkman. Walter White made marginal contributions to the blue meth empire, Jesse Pinkman was the mastermind. Walter White, though highly involved, was little more than an errand boy. Often pretending to be Heisenberg under the orders of his boss Jesse Pinkman.

Walter erupts in anger and is quickly subdued by the bailiffs. Walter goes to prison for a long time. Cut to the next morning's paper, the Headline reads "The true identity of Heisenberg" With Jesse's picture, camera pulls back to revel a broken Walter gazing at it. Walt is relegated to rot in prison, and (similar to Grey Matter) gets no credit for his true role in the meth empire, but it's okay, the cancer will kill him soon. Cut to a few months later, Walt, in a prison uniform is on a medical table, clearly in the medical facility of a prison, close up on his face, blank stare, off camera you hear the voice of his doctor; "Well Mr. White, this is pretty rare, but your cancer seems to be completely in remission, you'll be around for many years to come."

Executive Producer

Vince Gilligan

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