Thursday, November 8, 2012

here are my impressions of halo 4
gotta install the multiplayer from disc 2, then use disc 1 to play.
it's like CoD in a lot of ways - pick from 3 maps, unlock weapons (start out with assault rifle and pistol, but you get a third option in-game of using DMR, be stupid not to use it, even though you get hologram iwth it), instant respawn, kill-cam. 
I unlocked promethean vision, battle rifle, and at least 3 other things after my first game.
went 28-6 in my first game. i guess after 5 kills you get an instant-spawn weapon.. a promethean shotgun (no idea what it's called), or two others.. obviously I went with the shottie.  
promethean vision is definitely overpowered. you can see at least halfway across the small maps with it.  so if anyone's near, well, yo have an edge.  
the game is really easy so far. sure it's gonna be etough as hell when i get more games in.
so controls.. B is crouch now, Rb is melee. weird 'cause you cna't crouch and shoot now.
the game is definitely.. different of a feel. feels like a higher jump but the looking
just played that dominion gametype - yo ucan get a railgun (basically the spartan laser with the charge before shooting) and a stupid mech suit (with automatic gunfire.. it's really not useful though 'cause you're a walking target, and there were plenty of spots on the map for me ot hide .. never used it and have no interest.
ah man, that's fcking retarded - sometimes when you join a game, it joins a game already in progress, meaning you're on the losing side.. how the fuck is that fun for anybody? i guess it's better than the old system but that single handedly ruins it for me.
they have that stupid CTF map.. no idea what it's called, from halo 3 , with the river running down the middle. gay ass map.
ah, nice. they have new gametypes: CTF, oddball, KOTH.  don't have to worry about playing team objective and getting a stupid gametype/map anymore.
after 2 games, i dn't see this game lasting. haha. oh well. half the game is free for me, basically. just gotta sell the witcher 2.  already sold Halo Reach and Mass effect 3.. that's $27.  i knew it'd be a waste of a purchase, no way i'm ever buying another videogame.

holy shit, you gotta be kidding me. they have a regeneration field.. tell me that's not a direct ripoff of that ShadowRun game.  wow. that's totally lame.
there's a thruster pack, jet pack, hologram, hardlight shield, camo, autosentry (auto turret i guess, a direct ripoff of Team Fortress 2), and the regen field for abilities. i dont know man. i'm taking promethean.   jesus, it's way too powerful. not even fair. well, i guess it is, everybody else could use it.  doesn't work as well on the larger and more open maps

redbox had assassin's creed III at Sheetz - first time I've gone to one of those in a long time. jesus, they overprice everything, man. it's like the Dick's of convenience stores, but then again they're all expensive. they do have a larger selecdtion than anybody else.  

there's a promethean sniper. looks like they just replaced the covenant weapons with promethean.. i can't even imagine the single player, it's gotta be horrible. no interest.

13 maps

final impressions: plays like halo. single shot dmr actually works. if that was in Reach wtih no bloom, that game would have been awesome.   this game is definitely better.  still not gonna last a long time, but it's a decent time killer

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