Thursday, June 13, 2013

yeah, deaugavins had that wide open net backhand and trips up. hahahaha. crawford looked like he played on his head in OT.

My groin is sore as heck from doing the maximum wieghts at PlanetFitness. So get this. I asked the guy at the counter who works there if they have any barbells so I could do deadlifts. "What's a deadlift? Is that when you go like this?" as he proceeds to do a fake deadlift. COudlnt' believe it man, doesn't know what a deadlift is. If you work at a gym, you know that. Basic physical fitness. No, they don't have barbells but they have SMith machines which are barbells in a stationary position.. can't move it forward or backward, only up and down. makes it easier to do squats.. didn't make it any easier to do deadlifts for some reason. So my groins.. they had the leg adductor machine. 290 lbs + 15, so I guess 305 pounds is max. I started at 110 like I would do at Anytime Fitness. Way too easy so I kept increasing it by 50 lbs. still too easy until I got to 305. What a joke.. I was doing sets of 20. It was getting hard after 15 but not impossible. Makes my knees feel better.

I'll probalby watch the chicago series. BYlsma with the 2 year extension and Fleury #1 goalie? I'm done with the Pens maybe. They were talking on the radio this morning (raining way too hard to ride the bike even with rain gear.. thunderstorms) saying that they dind't hear many people in support of it. Yeah dude, who would be? THe DJ was saying "seems like most people think they're just going with the status quo, saying this is good enough, we don't need to win the Cup just make a deep run and be in the mix every year." Exactly.

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