Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Finals start next WEdnesday, seems late to me.
I can't read these artciesl I have saved up.  Most of them are just awful.  I could read the motorcyle maintenance, but I'd rather get through these articles.  What I'd really like to do is go home and get all of my housework finished.  Get moved in once and for all.  (A huge bonus would involve getting our new furniture, but that's not any time soon that we know of - nobody called even though it's been 8 weeks in a 8-10 week time period to get it.)
I'm pumped about hockey, going and skating hard.  I won't be able to do it all day like I did Tuesday night mainly 'cause I take long shifts (I think my longest shift was around 2 minutes with never less than 5 minutes in between shifts which is why I never got too tired.  There were still times at the faceoff I'd be huffing and puffing but nowhere near as harshly as when I'm taking 3 minute shifts with 2 or 3 minutes in between.  One shift, I was out there for 1.5-2 minutes, somewhere in that time range, but at least 20 seconds was due to a whistle. I felt like I literally just got off the bench.  I saw 2 guys coming off, ready to get some action, and I looked at one and said, "Fuck that, I just got out here."  I actually replaced him and we had 5 forwards - meaning somebody else should have been coming out, not him. I wasn't getting off anyway.  The other guys don't skate, and when they do, they look terrible and move pretty slowly.)
Anything is better than sitting inside all day or all night.  I was outside getting the pool hooked up today for a while, broke a sweat pretty early on 'cause of the heat and the direct sunshine.  Turned the central air on around 2:30, felt pretty cool in the house, turned it off around 5 and by 520 I was sweating in the house.  No idea how people like you in the South deal with that, especially with the humidity.  I remember in FLorida it was never unbearable, but it wasn't like going outside for long periods of time was something to look forward to.  Then again, I always either went to the pool or inside a car with A/C.  Well, a few times we played shuffleboard.. Sure, I was sweatin', but it wasn't unbearable.  Definitely the best vacation I ever took, maybe 'cause it lasted a week and I was in the pool a lot of the time, rarely stayed inside.  I remember we watched a movie one night and I fell asleep twice during it.  Then again, there was a thunderstorm so there wasn't much else to do. 
Mom sent me a picture of you and your dog - pretty cool lookin' dog, always has its ears up like it's listening for predators lurkin' around. 
Oh yeah, I don't think I lost one faceoff in Tuesday's game.  too easy.  If I did lose one, it wasn't easily lost, I can tell you that.  I got probably 3 or 4 clean wins (hit the puck right as it hits the floor), meanwhile the other guy's stick still barely moved.  As soon as the refs arm moves downward, my stick moves.  I have a much easier time winning forehand draws, but I can win backhand if necessary.

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