Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Re: [Madness Writers] 10/09/2012 03:43:00 PM

i can see why an idiot would claim that as racism...cuz you're
excluding a group of people.

but lets take a step back for a second.

prejudice is simply a negative idea about a group of people. no
action taken. no behavior inherent in the thought process.

racism is taking action against a group of people simply because its a
group of people, yet its also an action that inherently puts that
group at a disadvantage. you can't be racist against homeless people
by not buying any of 'em a bag of fries from the local McD's.

you can't be racist for having a fuckin preference.

oh, but 'professionals' say you're looking for other racists. talk
about putting people into groups. i'll do a study, call myself a pro,
and organize individuals with preferences into a 'racist' group, so I
can then be racist against them while seeking others to fulfill my
self-fulfilling prophecy.

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 6:43 PM, Madness <nayrrizdaed@gmail.com> wrote:
> please, explain to me how this is racist: how? i don't get it. maybe if it
> was worded "Most Asians will get rejected immediately, but there might be a
> few that are good looking".. I mean, I guess if you totally reject all of
> one race, but there are certainly some people within a race that someone
> would find attractive. anyway, explain:
> I am most fascinated by racist profilers. Those people who say "no Asians!"
> or "I am not interested in you if you are black." I am obsessed with people
> who think it's okay to say this kind of thing, even when they apologize.
> "Not into white guys, sorry! Blatinos only! I'm not being racist it's just
> what I like." Okay fine, you are allowed to have your own desires, but I
> still think you're a racist.
> I always want to ask one of those "No Asians!" guys: if you were a baby and
> accidentally fell from a plane and landed safely in the middle of Mongolia
> and were raised by a nomadic Mongolian tribe, does that mean you would have
> grown up not being attracted to anyone?
> It seems in our relatively young Internet age, many people don't yet realize
> that the digital representation you create is not a reflection of what you
> want, it's a reflection of you. In Out Magazine last year, the writer Alex
> Chee said it perfectly in his essay on the subject:
> "Race-based rejection was, in the old days of real-life cruising, silent.
> Likewise your reaction. If someone rejected you because of your race, you
> didn't usually hear about it unless you pressed your case. But men who put
> NO ASIANS on their profile are not stating a preference… it's even weirder
> than that: You're looking for a fellow Asian hater to date. You're using the
> disguise of a semi–socially acceptable way to say you're a racist and
> looking to hook up with other racists."
> --
> Posted By Madness to Madness Writers at 10/09/2012 03:43:00 PM

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