Saturday, July 30, 2011

explain this to me, 'cause it doesn't make sense.  

1) Her fault, I don't feel bad at all for because she was not wearing a helmet.

2) she passed some cars 'cause they slowed down

3) then she proceeds to go into/under the truck


4) she's wearing an iPod.  

Ok, but that's not explaining HER VISION.

the only explanation I can think of: she wasn't looking up.  But that can't be true because she saw the cars were slowing down/slowed down/stopped, and proceeded to pass them

Rocking out to music on a bike doesn't stop you from paying attention about what's going on around me.  Even when the music is really loud, a) it's too loud 'cause you can't hear anything else, or b) you can barely hear it 'cause the cars around you.

So the iPod isn't a factor, she had to have her head up.

A bike malfunction?  Possibly, but she could have steered to the right, out of the way.

Unless the steering wheel was messed up.  I don't see any other plausible explanation.

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