Thursday, July 7, 2011

nhl and lost

watched the last 3 episodes of lost. heather watched all the season,
i watched a few parts of episodes here and there, skipped throuhg a
few in a minute or so.

questions: how does jack die? the stab wound most likely even though
he says he has to die saving the island. desmond didnt die when he
went down, and neither did jack. but he;s a doctor, the stab wound is
treatable. conclusion: illogical ending.

whats the island about, why does it exist? for protection from
something, only possible reason is the leader draws people in to
prevent the brother from leaving..but thats only cuz there were twins.
why is there a leader? conclusion: apparently not important enough to
get into, even though the first five seasons deal nothing with the
Leader other than you know Jacob exists (and even then you aren't sure
when Ben says he never met him, but maybe you're already introduced to
Jacob and his brother by that point) really, to introduce any sense
of prupose for the Island would destroy the concept of Lost. the
creators, well, they could come up with some stupid whacky idea, but
really any more backstory and it would create an entirely new story,
because there's nothing in the entire show that connects another story
to anyone or anything. everything is connected well enough to end,
but no stated purpose for the island.

also, anytime there's the idea of Fate vs Free will, Free will is
gonna lose everytime. jack volunteers to be the leader? he decides
it, and the way it happens you could *almost* argue its free will.
only because there is no debate, no doubts introduced by Jacob. but
conclusionL if no one chooses then its "bad for everyone" so Fate
wins...and it will win everytime. any story, any book, any show, any
time its discussed, Fate will win. you even bring it up, Fate wins
automatically. like beating a dead horse into the ground. but oh my
goodness, is it really fate or do we have free will? really? how
many times are people gonna fall for that false *suspense?* lame

the sideways reality is affected by the events on the island. but
that reality isn't "real" in the sense that any of it physically
happens, its more like a spiritual purgatory. time doesnt exist
there. so why do most of the people suddenly realize everything when
they meet each other, when they all created the place to meet up,
remember, and move on? they would already know. interesting that
Charlie's overdose on the plane is the trigger when he sees Claire as
he's almost dead. still, not sure how far along claire was in her
pregnancy when she gets on the plane cuz its less than 9 months from
the time they land to when the sideways reality "ends" because she has
her baby at the end. but if time doenst exist, the baby already
exists...same with Sun. conclusion: illogical.

decent ideas, terrible execution. overall a terrible show. who makes
an illogical show?

ok, NHL 12. new puck physics, great thing man...the pucl doesn't
*stick* to your blade as much as the older games. if you try to pull
off a deke or turn too sharp or get hit (even slightly if your guy's
stats suck) the puckl will slide off your stick. fricken huge man.
and physics are a lot better, a lot more realistic. still not
perfect. like they said, 2013 will be the real physics deal, nothing
new on that front.

one picture showed a guy getting pushed over the boards into the
bench. guy comments "look how the bench players react" as they are
all looking forward. wow

i saw a video from nhl 09...its OT, probably kane or Toews, not sure,
between the right circle and point, two guys on me, im moving to the
slot, stop and cut back to the boards. the F pokes me but somehow
misses. i then skate up holding in A (protect the puck) and cut back
across to the slot, the other winger defenseman tries to cover me and
i blow by him, free slot, top left, booom. i also remember the first
game of 09 when i got the xbox almost 2 years ago, overtime, playing
two guys, one has the puck top point, tries to pass to side slot,
orpik (i was controlling someone else) puts his stick down blocks the
pass. must have been a PP for those guys, cuz i take off up open ice,
self pass twice, get the puck right in front of the goalie, left right
top cheese.
i remember that distinctly. there was also another video a guy gets a
rebound from my shot, is in his slot, and no idea what he's doing,
tries to pass it to the goalie and it goes in. talbot scored off a
faceoff in one OT from the offsides faceoff. hit the goalies stick
and went in. i remember my roommate and i were laughing.

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