Friday, August 5, 2011

know what should be made law?

in crime investigations and trials, people's names and other
personally identifying information should never be used until proven
and convicted of a crime. if u read an article that says "Ryan Ross
was arrested Friday on multiple felony charges of robbery, assault and
battery, 20 counts of first degree murder and conspiracy to commit
high treason as a suspect in a murder spree that encompassed the
Westmoreland Mall in 2009 when 10 people and 10 police officers were
shot to death in the most mysterious crime of the century. Ryan Ross
was being held at so and so facility on a $20 million bail until this
morning when bail was posted by an unknown person. The suspect had not
be known since the incident but leads have fingered Ryan V Ross of
Greensburg, PA as the prime suspect. His business failed shortly
before the incident and is believed to have a motive of robbing
various mall outlets for their cash. He has 2 pistols and 2 rifles
registered in the county. It is unknown if those weapons were used in
the attack. On his facebook account he has pictures of himself and
friends brandishing weapons in a hostile manner. If convicted, Ryan
Ross will face the death penalty." Meanwhile there are pictures of
you on the article and other identifying information. Though, the
rifles are for hunting and those pictures of you holding weapons are
merely harmless photos from a hunting trip. but the damage is done.

Basically, you're guilty to the public already. If you were noticed
in public people would be hostile towards you, and you didn't even do

but read it without your name and only a pronoun: The prime suspect
was arrested Friday on multiple felony charges of robbery, assault and
battery, 20 counts of first degree murder and conspiracy to commit
high treason as a suspect in a murder spree that encompassed the
Westmoreland Mall in 2009 when 10 people and 10 police officers were
shot to death in the most mysterious crime of the century. THe suspect
was being held at so and so facility on a $20 million bail until this
morning when bail was posted by an unknown person. The suspect had not
be known since the incident but leads have fingered the resident of
Greensburg, PA as the prime suspect. The defendant's business failed
shortly before the incident and is believed to have a motive of
robbing various mall outlets for their cash. He has 2 pistols and 2
rifles registered in the county. It is unknown if those weapons were
used in the attack. On his facebook account he has pictures of himself
and friends brandishing weapons in a hostile manner. If convicted, he
will face the death penalty." and no pictures or any identifying
information other than the suspect is from Greensburg.

baiscally, it doesnt matter if you know WHO was arrested, but only
that SOMEONE was arrested. most people wouldnt know you so why should
they start caring now? you aren't guilty of anything, at least not

it'll never happen because its how people get emotionally invested in
the "news", they feel safer knowing a specific person but also more
violent towards that inidividual identified. news makes more money,
boooom, headlines. although, you're not gonna hear about most crimes,
so why care about specific ones that arent any different.

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