Saturday, March 24, 2012


my theory holds true: the ending is real, no gay hallucinations.

the script was leaked in November, much to the dismay of BioWare.  They said they would change the script based on fanboy outcries.

here's the script:

  3. Once Shepard reaches the top of the elevator he begins a conversation with GUARDIAN where all the mysteries of the universe are revealed.
  5. ACTION:
  7. Shepard must now make his final decision - to control the Reapers, to destroy the Reapers, or if they had a perfect game to become one with the Reapers

its interesting that "a perfect game" is mentioned.  from ME1, the point is to kill the reapers.  no idea why you'd want to become one.  although, the Guardian (no idea what you'd call that new character) presents destruction as the worst option, control as a somewhat noble goal, and in the real game its to synthesize synthetics with organics....not really teh same as becoming one with the reapers...but synthesize is presented as teh best option to end the chaos.
 and in teh game all three options have the same conclusion: you die and everyone else does too..but with the destruction option you take a breath layin on a street afterwards, which makes no sense.

its hilarious that the hallucination theory would actually be a tremendous gain for gaming in general...but Bioware sunk its ship.

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