Tuesday, December 7, 2010

good stuff

http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/blog/puck_daddy/post/After-Pens-fan-invasion-is-Columbus-right-to-ch?urn=nhl-292699  Wow, can't wear any other team apparel while ridin' on the Zamboni.  Good stuff right there.  The comments are mostly ridiculous.. I rarely ever read them, but decided these may be worth a laugh.  Not really, almost as bad as the A2Yzerman blog for the Red Wings.
Wow, look at that pass Crosby receives in the Pensblog update.  Amazing foot work.
I'm gonna download that Kanye West, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy  album at home, it's supposedly the best album to hit stores this year.. We'll find out, I'm not big on his music, but I can say he knows how to write catchy songs.

http://healthland.time.com/2010/12/06/think-your-kids-physically-fit-team-sports-dont-offer-nearly-enough-exercise/?xid=rss-topstories&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+time%2Ftopstories+%28TIME%3A+Top+Stories%29&utm_content=Google+Reader  Think Your Kid's Physically Fit? Team Sports Don't Offer Nearly Enough Exercise

The government wants children and teens to chart 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day, but less than half of children and just 10% of teens meet these guidelines.  (I wonder why.)   

less than 2% of girl softball players met the guideline.

“Based on current findings, it appears that youth sports practices are making a less-than-optimal contribution to the public health goals of increasing physical activity and preventing childhood obesity,” conclude the authors.  TEAM SPORT PRACTICES AREN"T DESIGNED FOR INCREASING VO2MAX, ENDURANCE, OR INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE (at least in the sense of improving ONLY one's abilities unless it's oriented toward becoming a better team player. I guess you could argue sometimes individual skills are honed to allow for better players, but that just allows for better teamwork, too.).  IT"S DESIGNED TO HELP TEAMWORK AND TO GET THE INDIVIDUAL TO THINK AS A TEAMMATE! Jesus.  That's the whole problem with this article.. examples:


"For example, rather than give one player at a time a ball to hone a certain skill, giving each player a ball to practice simultaneously gets the whole team moving."  DO THIS ON YOUR OWN TIME. 

"I would argue that coaches recognize that one of the most important things they can do is provide a good, heavy dose of moderate to physical activity,” says Pate."  REALLY? NO, THEY ARE TRAINING THEIR PLAYERS TO BE PART OF SOMETHING GREATER THAN THEMSELVES.  Sounds lame, but it's true.  You're a teammate, not an individual.  The moment you're taught to be an individual on a team, it's over.  Team is done.  I'm sure the military is the ultimate proof of this.  It's not a sport, but it is more team-oriented.

"During each practice, kids averaged 30 minutes of down time. "  WHY? PLEASE< EXPLAIN.  IT"S BECAUSE THEY"RE BEING TAUGHT PLAYS, MOVES, RULES, etc.  jesus.

"What's a parent â€" and coach â€" to do? The authors have plenty of suggestions: emphasizing participation over competition, encouraging low-income children to participate using sliding-scale fees, increasing practice frequency, extending short seasons, using pedometers or accelerometers to monitor physical activity periodically during practices, giving coaches strategies to increase physical activity and reminding parents to get their kids moving on non-practice days. "  WOW, that's all I can say.  Do these people have any what sports practices are for?  You just blindly run around for no reason to get exercise while playing a sport? jesus, the only sports these people are thinking of are individual sports like running, track and field, swimming, and cycling.  Endurance sports, essentially.



According to market research firm NPD, 79% of all computers sold at retail (Walmart excluded) in October ran Windows. Among those that sold for $1,000 and above, however, 88% were Macs  People that buy anything Apple, except MAYBE iPods (clearly the best mp3 player on the market, at least it was, maybe somethign new came out in the last year, and even then, it's too expensive) are just fueling the closed-internet fires.


Speaking of Apple, they're already releasing iPad 2 in April.

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