Thursday, August 16, 2012

Caller : Hi, can I speak to Frank please. (Frank being my grandfather who passed away at the weekend)

Me : Er.. no sorry, I'm his grandson can I help at all ? (I was thinking it might be a call about his medication)

Caller : Yes, could you tell Frank that his death certificate is ready for collection.

Her - "Eww, the pig has teeth."

Me - "Well yeah, how'd you expect it to eat?"

Her - "I thought they just smelt things and that's how they ate."


While watching how it's made, they're making wooden kayaks.

Her - "That won't float. Wood sinks."

Me - "What do you think boats were made off 300 years ago?"

Her - "I dunno."


I didn't hear this but my brother told me his friend said it after the 9/11 attacks - "why didn't we just warn them?" My brother asked him what he meant. He was referring to the time difference between the East Coast US and Ireland. He thought that the US was literally 5 hours behind us and that while we were watching the attacks on tv, they hadn't actually happened over there yet.


A couple of my friends (who were all in college) were browsing at a Barnes & Noble and one of them was looking at a display that had military-type books on it. He was looking through them and saw books about the Air Force, Navy, Marines, etc. Then in a pretty idiotic moment he saw a book on submarines, and thinking it was some branch that was beneath the marines (sub-marines) that he had never heard of, a grown 20 year old man yelled across the store "HEY, WHAT'S A SUBMARINE?"

He will never live this down...  (hahaha)


e had a "bomb drill" once in high school where all the students walked out of the building and down a fairly narrow access road to one of the other buildings to wait. I made a comment that if someone wanted to hurt us, they'd be smart to call in a bomb thread, and then pick us off one by one with a sniper rifle while we were on this road.

The girl behind me said "But this isn't a sniper drill, its a bomb drill so that wouldn't happen."  (hahahahahahha)


"whiskey on the rocks, no ice."  (hahaha)



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