Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Re: [Madness Writers] Re: [Madness Writers] Re: [Madness Writers] 5/30/2012 06:05:00 AM

nah i knew most of it like the back of my hand.   there was one question, the DNA protein thing that separates the DNA helixes....
i wrote "hyaurin (or something like that)" cuz I couldn't think of the word.   "histone" is the answer.  i knew it began with an 'h'.  no big deal.
one woman, can't even speak english, well, african, can't speak high-level words like the bone landmarks, she got an 84.  some other kid in the lab beside me got a 86. "that test was bullshit man" he said, or something to that effect.    yeah, I'd agree.
there was one question, the I'll jsut copy the
"the sequence of three adjacent nucleotides in tRNA designating a specific amino acid that binds to a corresponding codon in mRNA during protein synthesis."
ahh, i put anticodon, but the question was asking about the mRNA nucleotides.
when i looked it up in the class notes all I saw was RNA and anticodon.  no wonder I missed it, there was never any differentiation between the two, thought codon was DNA.  haha.
left two answers blank. thjere were 51 questions, last question was on the back of the scan-tron.  never even filled it in.  i studied 4-5 hours sunday, 6 hours or so on monday, hour and a half tuesday before the test.  next test shou;d be easier, I at least know what kind of questions are on it.
I studied ALL the god damn "steps" question,s like "name the four steps of this process" or "name these structures and how they are broken down"...and when ti comes to the test you gotta know it all because theres no assistance.  like "histone", I dont know the fricken word.  but i know what the hell it does.
the question about the different RNAs, I dont think I was even close, but I only missed one point on it...not really sure how it was scored though, so maybe I missed it all.
tehre was one question "draw the basic amino acid sequence" and I drew it instantly and wrote beside it "extra credit? :)"     yep, it was extra credit.  I figuerd it'd have to be, thats way too fuckin detailed of a question, something you'll never need to know.
if Anyone, and i mean ANYONE, missed the extra credit "name the 11 organ systems", I'd give them a 0 on that test.  thats all that class is man.  the organ systems.  A&P II sounds pretty challenging , probably not much different than A&P I, but more detail.  who knows.  gonna be a long summer.  then study for the SAT and take microbiologyu and Chem I in the fall.
and the Army won't pay for anything otehr than a BSN for than Nursing progrfam, so I can't take the Clinical Nursing Leader Master's program.  but I can take it "after 3 years as a nurse."  Sign me up man.  If I don't get the PA, Nursing it is.  sucks I gotta go for a BSN, but no big deal.  double my money as an officer,2.5x it as a PA.  nursing I can go for anasthesia, PA I can practice medicine.  doesnt matter either way.


On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 2:27 PM, Madness <> wrote:
83 on the A&P? you mustn't be studying much. it's not that hard, man.

Did about 600 ab workouts. too easy.  the reverse incline thing, i'll have to start using that more, it's probably the most difficult for what i can do at this point.  Of course, the hardest one is holding yourself in a pullup position and raising the legs.  Did 100 biceps and triceps, and some legs.  they don't cool it down enough in there.. wasn't too bad today but that's 'cause I wasn't doing any seriously strenuous workouts.  

Gonna buy the witcher 2. $37 on amazon.. wow, free 2 day shipping.  boom, that's a crime. i'll play it throughout june at night probably. get my money back by reselling it. basically a rental.  Or I can send it to you and have you sell it when you're done. doesn't matter to me. Takes at least 30 hours to beat and I guess there are 2 storylines so you can play it twice. If I don't like it, I'll sell it.  Sometimes I think it'd be nice ti play a game of NHL, but then I think of the glitchers and god-like goalies.. glad I don't have it.

Posted By Madness to Madness Writers at 5/30/2012 11:27:00 AM

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