Sunday, July 21, 2013

I do not condone thievery in any way. It poses dire consequences to those who meddle with other

people's moneys. We were put in unique circumstances where backward technology in an overly technical

world allowed a challenge to exist. We succeeded, though a few times the managers threatened to take the

registers to the back to count them, with anywhere from $20 to $80 in personal "profits" waiting to be taken

out. This stuff would never present itself nowadays.

Nah dude, it still works. I can't speak from experience, but when you go into a restaurant next time, look for cameras. you won't see any in those DUnkin-Donut like places. Some of those places are stupid for not having 'em.. costs less than $50 a month to save well over that in potential stolen goods/money.

One day at work, in the afternoon, my brother got into a tuffle about something stupid, probably who

was going to mop the floor. He took a freshly brewed jug of coffee and threw it on my back. In his defense, I

must have did provoked him appropriately for retributive justice, though nothing so serious as a pot of boiling,

steaming water. A burning sensation is terrible, when the skin on your body burns and melts.

hahaha, don't remember doing that.

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