Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Your workout (ryan)

You're work out isn't bad, but it is somewhat imbalanced.  You started with lower back / hamstring workouts then moved into chest/triceps with your push ups.  After that you moved into your pullups focusing back/lats/biceps, then back into triceps, chest, etc etc etc.

I don't know how often you have the ability to work out but you want to try and split the muscle groups where you can benefit the most.  Most people do a combination day of like... chest/triceps, back/biceps, legs/abs, so on and so forth.  I want you to try this routine I've been doing for a month to a month and a half and see how much you will improve, and then I'll develop something from there for you, but this workout routine has given me the most gains in strength, size, and stamina.  On your off-days do some cardio or abs, but nothing crazy so you aren't over training.

This routine is by far the best I've used so far.


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